This is a page to show the different types of fonts available and how they look. This bit is written in Paragraph style.
This bit is written in Heading 1 style
This bit is written in Heading 2 style
This bit is written in Heading 3 style
This bit is written in Heading 4 style
This bit is written in Heading 5 style
This bit is written in Heading 6 style
For each of the headings above you can be a bit more clever and make 2 lines appear to the right of the text, which can nicely divide a section. To do this, click the “add shortcode” button (furthest right icon in editor panel). The sizes (1 to 6) match the heading sizes above.
This is a title size 3
When you are editing the page, it will look like:
[ title size=”3″ ]This is a title size 3[ /title ] (without the spaces in the [] bits.) This is an example of a shortcode, which you will see used throughout the site.